
Friday, March 6, 2020

Making Biltong Beef Jerky

Making Biltong Beef jerky

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the science beef jerky work we have been doing.
We had to fill out a google doc and put information in it.
We only got to the method part and if we had spare time we could do bonus questions we get given by the teacher.

I finished them both but not the full thing so the green highlighted parts is what we didn't get to finish.

Here is mine.

Making Biltong (Beef Jerky)

To preserve meat using salt.

I think the salt will (Give it more flavour or make it juicier) 

It moisturises the meat and makes it last longer.


  •  Pen
  • Paper towel
  • Beef jerky
  • Salt
  • Fishing line type of string
  1. Get a paper towel then put the beef jerky on it.
  2. Put 2 teaspoons of salt on it.
  3. Put your name on the paper towel.
  4. Take it off the paper towel.
  5. Hang it on the string.
  6. Wait for it to dry.


  •  Because it wasn’t mine I didn’t want to try it so I gave a piece to the teacher and one of my friends the teacher said it wa too salty and my friend said just a little bit less salt.
  • The biltong looks brown and weird because the corners curled over.
  • It smells like dog treats… 🙃 🐶🥩


  • What was the Aim?   My aim was to preserve meat using salt.

  • What did your results mean?  

  • Was your Hypothesis correct?  No I don’t think so because the feedback I got said it was just “too salty” and I asked them if it made the beef juicer.
    • Were there any anomalies (unexpected results)? Yes, I thought I would get the 1 I made and not another persons, but still I got feedback from it to do my writing.

    • What could have caused them? The way the person wrote the order of peoples beef jerky in her book.

    • How could you change the experiment to fix these problems? Everyone gets a Little piece of baking paper to put their name on it then put it With the beef jerky so we know who’s is who’s.

    • Did any interesting questions arise from doing the experiment?
    Not that I know of.

    • What sort of experiments could you follow-up with?
    Now we’re doing the growing plants science experiment.

That was the doc that I filled out. If you have any positive comments or feedback, please leave them in the comments.
I hope you learnt something from this today, if you did also put that in your comment! Bye!!

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