
Monday, March 9, 2020

Growing plants questions - DLO

Growing plants questions - DLO

Hi readers, today I am going to be sharing you the DLO we did today in Hurumanu 3.

First we had to pick a buddy to work with, I chose Teagen (a friend of mine)
Then we had to get materials - Beaker, tissue paper, 2 seeds, and water.
(1 seed for each person)

First get your beaker

Next roll up your paper to put in the beaker - around the edges.

Put seeds in separate sides outside the paper towel.

Then put 40 ml's of water in the middle and make sure it wets all of the paper towel.



other photo

We got given 3 questions to answer, me and my friend worked on a google drawing and this is what we came up with:

2 Links we got given to research with:
Link 1

I hope you enjoyed reading my post today and learnt something.
If you have any questions, or positive comments and feedback, please leave in the comments.

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