
Monday, March 30, 2020

A recent book I have read!

A recent book I have read!

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the task I have done today working from home!
For this task today I had to choose a book I have read and tell my readers about it.
I have made a poster on Canva about a book I have read recently.

Here is my Canva!
About this book: This book has got 5 characters: Wolf, Snake, Piranha, Shark and a spider named Legs. They have a group name called, "The Good Guys Club" They try save the world but everyone calls them bad guys.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post and might have a go at reading this book one day!

If you have any positive comments or feedback, please leave them in the comments.

Sunday, March 29, 2020

A well known New Zealander.

A well known New Zealander.

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the slideshow I have done today for working from home.
What I had to do was pick a famous New Zealander and write about what they were well known for.
For this I made an animation about Sir Edmund Hillary.

Here is my animation.

I hope you enjoyed watching my animation and reading my post.
If you have any feedback or positive comment, please leave them in the comments.

Saturday, March 28, 2020

Tiger research!

Tiger research!

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the tiger research I have done today!
For this I had to create a D.L.O and do some research about any animal.
I chose to do tiger because a cat is my favorite animal and I like Tigers because of their patterns.

Here is my D.L.O

I hope you enjoyed reading my post and learnt something, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave them in the comments.

Friday, March 27, 2020

Water Filtration DLO

Water Filtration DLO

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the DLO we have been doing about water filtration.

For this we had to make a DLO on a google drawing, Me, carla and teagen, chose to work in a group

Then put links on it about water.

Here is the DLO we did:

the 2 links on the drawing:
* Link

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment, please leave them in the comments.

(This is 1 of my drafts i'm posting)

Carr value bookmark task

Carr value bookmark task

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the task I did today.
I chose a task from a document the teachers have put on our class site, for this task I had to create a bookmark on a google drawing and made it a D.L.O.
With the bookmark we choose a value from our values "carr"
C - commitment 
A - achievement
R - resilience
R - respect

I chose to do respect because I thought it would be easier but the last one made my brain hurt a bit trying to think of it.

Here is my D.L.O

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any positive comment or feedback please leave them in the comments.

Wednesday, March 25, 2020

Solvemoji Puzzles!

Solvemoji Puzzles!

Hi readers, as you may know New Zealand is in isolation so people are working from home and getting work to do.
So today I will be showing you 1 of the tasks I did this morning.
I solved out all the questions by writing down what the numbers of the emoji's were instead of memorizing them and just seeing what I would add up so its the right answer.
Once we have finished the slide we would have to make a D.L.O.
On the last slide it says what I need to do to the D.L.O.
And me and a friend worked together on this. 

Here is the slide:

And here is the D.L.O

I would like to know if you got the questions I have put up right and how you did it. 
I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Tangata whenua questions

Tangata Whenua questions

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the questions we answered from a video.

The questions we got were:

where did the Maori people arrive from? the Maori people arrived from South East Asia

how did they arrive in NZ? They arrived in NZ by Sailing with Waka

what did they bring to NZ? They brought Crops like 
how did they get food? They got food from the sea they only had that to eat another word for sea food is Kai Moana

Write 3 sentences about the Maori people
They couldn't plant anything because it was too cold
they had to eat seafood
they came from Aotearoa

how did they prove that Maori and Moriori descended from the same people? (Im not sure about this question because I didn't catch the answer)

explain how the Moa came extinct
The Moa because extinct because they would only lay 1-2 eggs a year and when rats and dogs came over to NZ with the Maori they sate the eggs. 

why did Maori choose to settle in the places they did?
They only lived in huts but when they moved over here t had more space so they stayed because t was more soacious.

in your word bank write the meaning of: Whanau, Hapu and Iwi
Whanau means - Family
and Iwi means - people in the same waka

I hope you enjoyed my blog post if you have any positive comment or any feedback please leave it in the comments.

Antarctic centre - stop and blog 20 minutes

Antarctic centre

Hi readers, this morning we have been on a Padlet called:
What places/landmarks make Christchurch and hornby unique.

On this we had to do lists of where tourists would want to visit.
Then we had to write about it on our blog. 
We will be writing, where, what, how, why

Here is mine:

Wycola park
Kyle park
Quail island
The groynes
Riccaton mall - Westfield
The hub hornby
Hornby Primary School
The zoo
Jelly park
Antarctic centre
Christchurch Memorial Wall
I chose to write about the Antarctic Centre.

Image result for antarctic centreWhere (is the place): The Antarctic Centre is in Harewood Christchurch

What (do you do there): Look at animals and go in a really icy room with gumboots. Technically having fun.

How (is it unique and special): Its the only Antarctic Centre in Christchurch.

Why (would someone what to go there): To look at all the animals that live in the cold - in the Arctic.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog and learnt something.
If you have any positive comment or any feedback please leave them in the comments.

This is just to say - Poem

This is just to say - Poem

Hi readers,
 today I am going to be showing you the poem I made that we were working on.
We got given this and we had to put our own words in it.
Then when we finish that we go on Canva to make a poster about it.

I have  …..
…………. that were ….

and which 
you were probably 

Forgive me 
they were ……………….
so ………….  and 
so …………...
Here is mine:

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any positive comments or feedback, please leave them in the comments.

Monday, March 16, 2020

Sentence starters #2

Sentence starters #2

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the Sentence starters we have been doing in hurumanu 3.
We are doing a 2nd blog about this because we have got another sentence starter we need to post as well as the last ones we did.

A short sentence is a sentence with 5 or less words in it.

Here are mine:

(New) Very short sentence:
The biltong was too salty.
Our seed started to sprout.

When the biltong was ready, the people ate it and gave feedback if they got the wrong one.

While we waited for the biltong to be ready, we wrote about it in a document and posted it on our blog.

Adverb start:
Excitingly, The seedlings are starting to sprout.
Lightly, we planted them in a big wooden box with dirt in it.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave them in the comments.

Sentence starters

Sentence starters

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the w-start and adverb starts we did today in Hurumanu3.
With this we had to get a whiteboard, a whiteboard pen and a whiteboard rubber.
The task was to write down sentence starters
-Adverb start and W- start

Here are some samples:

When the wind blew, our paper flew away.
While the cat slept, we went outside to play with the bunny.

Adverb start:
Excitingly, it is my birthday today.
(its not)
Lightly, the rain started to fall from the sky.

Conclusion: I think I liked this class because I actually thought of something to write down and it was sort of easy for me.

I hope you learnt something and enjoyed reading my post.
f you have any feedback or positive comment, please leave them in the comments.

How to Make eggs on toast

How to Make eggs on toast

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the procedural writing we have done today.
Image result for scrambled eggs on toastWe had to write down ingredients, materials, steps, on a document then if e finished we post it on our blog.

Here is mine:

Making eggs on toast - science


  1. Toaster (1)

  1. Fry pan (1)

  1. Oven - 144-158࿀f (1)

  1. Fork and knife (1 of each)

  1. Wooden spoon (1)

  1. Bowl (1)

  1. Spatula (1)

  1.  Salt (optional)
  2. Pepper (optional)
  3. Bread - Any amount depends how hungry you are
  4. Butter/marge-etc 1-2 tsp
  5. ~2 pieces of toast would probably be 2-3 eggs~
  6. Eggs - any amount to go with the toast

  1. Get your fry pan and put it on the oven stove.

  1. Put what you use in the pan ~Butter, oil, marge etc~

  1. Turn the stove on to get the butter etc ready for the eggs.

  1. Get your toaster out ready for the bread.

  1. Put your eggs in the frying pan.

  1. Now go back to the toaster and put your bread in.

  1. With your wooden spoon mix the egg around in the frying pan.

  1. At the end when the eggs are cooked take the egg out of the fry pan with a spatula then put it on your toast.

  1. Mix the eggs around on the toast and make it Look like scrambled eggs on toast.

  1. At the end put salt and (or) pepper on it. (optional)

  1. Then get your fork and knife to 

  1.  eat it. Or eat it with your hands.


Make sure you don’t burn yourself while making it. And it does taste a bit better with salt because it adds more flavour.

 I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comments please leave them in the comments.

My 100 Word Challenge

My 100 Word Challenge

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the 100 word challenge we did in class today.
If we finished our easttle test we had to do a 100 word challenge.
The words we had to include were: Banana, Black, Heavy, Jumped and Damaged.

Here is mine:
My 100 Word Challenge

Words: Banana, Black, Heavy, Jumped, Damaged.

Hmm I should wear a Heavy sweater today with a plain Black T-shirt.

And some white socks with some Banana patterns on them.
I Jumped into the kitchen and Damaged some equipment that we use to dish up food like, glass plates and bowls. 
I went off to the mall to buy some more bowls and plates before my parents got home, but it was too late. 
I walked out the door and there they were, driving up the driveway.
I tried to explain but they didn’t listen…
The end!

I hope you enjoyed reading my post.
If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave them in the comments. Bye!!

Friday, March 13, 2020

Te Tiriti o Waitangi #2

Te Tiriti o Waitangi #2

Hi readers, today I am going to be sharing some answers from the second sheet we need to blog about on Te Tiriti o Waitangi.
We got given questions then we had to answer them on a sheet, after we did all the answers that we could we had to blog about them without saying the question, just writing about them.
Here is a (link) for you to watch.

In 1830's the population went down from around 100,000 thousand to 80,000 - 70,000.

2 reasons the population went down lower was mainly from war and diseases.
The name of the main settlement was Russell Kororareka.

The rangatira and missionaries were unhappy about what was happening in their town. (British taking over eg. Partying, unfair trades, prostituting etc.)

The British saw France as a treat because the British were colonising New Zealand.

Around 500 chiefs from the rangatira signed the treaty.

A problem the way the treaty was written was the translation for the Maori.

In Maori Tino Rangatiratanga is having your own way.

Sovereignty means the government of England.

 Kawanatanga is another word for government.

 Hone Heke cut down 3 North flags just to show his frustration for what was happening in the north.

The Maori made trenches to beat the British in the wars.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post and learnt something, if you have any feedback or positive comment put them in the comments.

Wednesday, March 11, 2020

Why its better to drink water.

Why its better to drink water.

Hi readers, today I am going to be sharing the D.L.O me and my friend Teagen did.
We had to do this in our Hurumanu: Healthy lifestyles.
What we had to do was, Get a sheet of paper with different drinks on them like energy drinks, fizzy, milk, orange juice, etc.
They had the amount of sugar that goes into them on the side of each 1, then we got given a cup and a few small bags.
We had to fill the bags up with the amount of teaspoons of sugar they had on the side and put the bag on them.
After we finished with that we had to make a D.L.O on why it is better to drink water and not energy drinks or anything like that.

Here is mine and Teagens D.LO:

I hope you learnt something
and enjoyed reading my post, if you have any comments or feedback please leave them in the comments.
Also tell me if you learnt something from the facts, and what one.

Tuesday, March 10, 2020

Simple to complex sentences *story*

Simple to complex sentences *story*

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the writing we did today in Hurumanu.
What we had to do was write down a simple sentence then at the end make a story with the complex sentences.

Then we had to post it on our blog wich is what im doing now.

Here is my story:
He ran away 1 hour ago from the house, feeling bad escaping out the window because he saw the chance. When he jumped out he broke a bone in his leg.
His parents heard and rushed out there to help.“What were you thinking?”Said the parents. “You don’t wanna know”
said the boy.
His parents helped him up. Then they rushed to the hospital to get him checked.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post,if you have any positive comments or feedback, please leave them in the comments. Bye!!

Monday, March 9, 2020

Growing plants questions - DLO

Growing plants questions - DLO

Hi readers, today I am going to be sharing you the DLO we did today in Hurumanu 3.

First we had to pick a buddy to work with, I chose Teagen (a friend of mine)
Then we had to get materials - Beaker, tissue paper, 2 seeds, and water.
(1 seed for each person)

First get your beaker

Next roll up your paper to put in the beaker - around the edges.

Put seeds in separate sides outside the paper towel.

Then put 40 ml's of water in the middle and make sure it wets all of the paper towel.



other photo

We got given 3 questions to answer, me and my friend worked on a google drawing and this is what we came up with:

2 Links we got given to research with:
Link 1

I hope you enjoyed reading my post today and learnt something.
If you have any questions, or positive comments and feedback, please leave in the comments.

Friday, March 6, 2020

Making Biltong Beef Jerky

Making Biltong Beef jerky

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the science beef jerky work we have been doing.
We had to fill out a google doc and put information in it.
We only got to the method part and if we had spare time we could do bonus questions we get given by the teacher.

I finished them both but not the full thing so the green highlighted parts is what we didn't get to finish.

Here is mine.

Making Biltong (Beef Jerky)

To preserve meat using salt.

I think the salt will (Give it more flavour or make it juicier) 

It moisturises the meat and makes it last longer.


  •  Pen
  • Paper towel
  • Beef jerky
  • Salt
  • Fishing line type of string
  1. Get a paper towel then put the beef jerky on it.
  2. Put 2 teaspoons of salt on it.
  3. Put your name on the paper towel.
  4. Take it off the paper towel.
  5. Hang it on the string.
  6. Wait for it to dry.


  •  Because it wasn’t mine I didn’t want to try it so I gave a piece to the teacher and one of my friends the teacher said it wa too salty and my friend said just a little bit less salt.
  • The biltong looks brown and weird because the corners curled over.
  • It smells like dog treats… 🙃 🐶🥩


  • What was the Aim?   My aim was to preserve meat using salt.

  • What did your results mean?  

  • Was your Hypothesis correct?  No I don’t think so because the feedback I got said it was just “too salty” and I asked them if it made the beef juicer.
    • Were there any anomalies (unexpected results)? Yes, I thought I would get the 1 I made and not another persons, but still I got feedback from it to do my writing.

    • What could have caused them? The way the person wrote the order of peoples beef jerky in her book.

    • How could you change the experiment to fix these problems? Everyone gets a Little piece of baking paper to put their name on it then put it With the beef jerky so we know who’s is who’s.

    • Did any interesting questions arise from doing the experiment?
    Not that I know of.

    • What sort of experiments could you follow-up with?
    Now we’re doing the growing plants science experiment.

That was the doc that I filled out. If you have any positive comments or feedback, please leave them in the comments.
I hope you learnt something from this today, if you did also put that in your comment! Bye!!