
Sunday, December 23, 2018

SLJ: Salt and Pepper

SLJ: Salt and Pepper

Hi readers, for the 3rd activity on day 4 we need to:
Tell you were we would build our hotel and what we would use to build it.

For this I am going to make a google drawing to set an example of where I would build my hotel.
Here is my drawing:

To build my hotel I would go to a clear area that has alot of space. I would build my hotel out of wood (base and floor), nails, nail gun, glass (windows), tiles (roof), door, door frame,

Question: where would you build your hotel, what would you buils it out of and why would you build it there.

I hope you enjoyed reading.
If you have any feedback or any other positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Friday, December 21, 2018

SLJ: Pancakes and Maple Syrup?

SLJ: Pancakes and Maple Syrup?

Hi readers, get your aprins on because were going to do some baking!!

Anyway the second activity of day 4 is 
"pancakes and maple syrup?"
for this activity we need to:
choose one of our favorite foods and how to make it.
So for this activity I wanted to change it up a bit and use a powtoon to explain it!!

Here is my powtoon.

Question: Whats your favourite food?

I hope you enjoyed watching and learnng to make cookie's if you dont know how to make them already.
If you have any feedback or any other postive comment please leave it in the comments.

SLJ: .Scaling New Heights

SLJ: Scaling New Heights.

Hi readers, today i am going to be posting day 4 because yesterday I was busy all day and I didnt get a chance to start the post's.
But day four's first activity is Scaling new heights.
For this activity we need to:

Post 5 questions thet we would ask Sir Edmund Hillary about his life.

Here are some questions I would ask him: 1. How did he get on the 5 dollar note? 2. How was it like climbing Mt Everest?
Image result for mt everest
3. What made you want to climb mt everest?

4. How long did it take to get to the top?

5. What was the veiw like from the top?

Question: If you had 5 questions to ask Sir Edmund Hillary what would they be?

I hope you enjoyed reading.
If you have any feedback or any positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

SLJ: Towering timbers.

SLJ: Towering timbers.

Hi readers. today is day 5 for our Summer Learning Journey.

For todays 1st activity we need to:
Say in full sentence's what we think about logging and if we should keep the logging in New Zealand.

For this I decided to make a google drawing/DLO to explain why we should still have loggers or not still hae loggers.
Here is a DLO

Question: Do you have any reasons why we should or shouldn't keep logging?

I hope you enjoyed reading and learnt something.
If you have any questions, feedback or any other positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

SLJ: The WWF-World Wildlife Fund

SLJ: The WWF-World Wildlife Fund

Image result for saimaa ringed seal.Hi readers, for the 3rd activity today we need to watch a video the leaders of the SLJ gave to us.
This video is about what animal WWF is trying 
to save.

After watching the video we need to:
1) Say the name of the animal the WWF is working to save.

2) What is the WWF doing to try help the animal.
3) What, success they had saving or protecting the animal

here is a DLO of my answers.

Question: Do you know any facts or intresting information about Saimaa ringed seal's?

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog post.
And I also hope you learnt something.
If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

SLJ: The Secretive Skink

SLJ: The secretive skink.

Hi reades, todays 2nd activity is "The secretive skink"
What we need to do is write 3 good and bad things about working as a DOC ranger.
At the edd of our post's we need to say and if we wanted to work there or not any why.

 Instead of just listing them on the post I did it on a DLO.

Here is my DLO.

I would work there to see and save animals
But at the same time I wouldent because its sad seeing them pass away.

Question's: 1. Would you work as a doc ranger?
2. do you have 3 good and bad examples?

I hope you Enjoyed reading, and hopefully learnt something.

If you have any feedback or any positive comment please leave it in the comments.

SLJ: Fantastic Beast's

SLJ: Fantastic Beast's

Hi readers, Today is day 3 of Summer Leaning Journey. today the activity we have been given is "Fantastic Beast's"
For this activity we need to post a description about the beast we make. But by useing describing words to tell you about our beast.

Here is my beast.

My beast has:
1. Wings that are a galaxy colour and feel like smooth leather but they are really strong.
2. body that feels like fur and is a lepoard print.
3. Tongue that feels like sandpaper.
4. A nose that feels wet and soft.
5. Eyes that are wet and look like a galaxy.
6. (I forgot to add this but it sounds like a lion)
7. And the whole body smells like raspberries.

Question: If you qreated a beast, what would it Look, smell, feel and sound like?

(Its weird how it always smells like raspberries)

I hope you enjoyed reading.
If you have any feedback or any comment please leave it in the comments.

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Salt Lamps.

Salt Lamps.

Hi readers, throughout the holidays I am going to be blogging about my holidays and also blogging types of things like salt lamps!
Image result for salt lampsSalt Lamps are a rock that is a peachy orange colour.
Sometimes you can get like a pink or red colour but most of them are peachy orange.
Some may do what it says on the photo -->
Some also may not do that.

Salt lamps are meant to help you,
Sleep, improve mood, improve breething, get rid of ellergies and relief stress.
It also Purifiys air. 
But once again not all of them do it.

Here is 3 facts about the Salt lamps

1. Salt lamps were made over 200 million years ago and come in a vriety of colours.

2. Himalayan rock salt lamps are mined in the Himalayan mountains, which is where Mount Everest is located.

3. Salt lamps can weigh over 40 kg.

Question: Do you have a salt lamp at home?
(i do)

I hope you enjoyed reading and learnt something about Salt lamps.
If you have any questions, feedback or any other comment please leave it in the comments.

SLJ: Weird and wonderful.

SLJ: Weird and wonderful.

Hi readers, for the next SLJ activity we need to figure out how many ml's to keep a cactus alive in a whole year if you need to give it 3 ml's of water each day. then we need to explain it and how to work it out.

Here is how I worked mine out.

The answer was 1095

Question: Do you have another stratergy?
If you do please leave it in the comments.

I hope you enjoyed and learnt something off this.
if you have a comment or any feedback please leave it in the comments.

SLJ: Fabulous Ferns

SLJ: Fabulous Ferns 

Hi readers, today we have another 3 activitys for our SLJ. I have finished 1 today and working another 2 SLJ activitys now. for this activity we need to list three sports teams their have the word 'fern' in their team name. Then get photos of them and say wich uniform is our favorite.
here is my 3 pictures

I chose,

Silver ferns netball team.
Image result for sports teams uniforms with the name fern in it

Kiwi ferns
Image result for kiwi ferns

black ferns
Image result for black ferns

My favorite uniform is the silver ferns netball team because they have cool patterns on their uniform and it has a good colour match.

Question: Wich is your favourite uniform? and why?

 hope you enjoyed reading my blog post and learning what my favorite sports team is out of these 3.
If you have any feedback or a good quality comment please leave it in the comments.

SLJ: Giants among us.

SLJ: Giants among us.

Hi readers, today is day two for our Summer Learning Journey. For todays activity we need to tell you if we would visit the Tāne Mahuta tree.
Im also going to be telling you 3 facts about it and what type of tree it is.

I would not go visit because its to far away and you will need the gas to go there and back.

Image result for map to the Tāne Mahuta treeFacts.
1. The Tāne Mahuta tree is in the Kauri forest.

2. Trunk Height: 17.68 metres (58 feet).

3. The Tāne Mahuta tree is the largest tree in the world.

The tree type is a Kauri tree found in the Kauri forest.

Question: will you go to visit the Tāne Mahuta tree? If you would or wouldn't, tell me why!

I hope you enjoyed reading and I hope you learnt from my 3 facts.
If you have any feedback or a comment to write please leave it in the comments. Bye!!!