
Friday, July 3, 2020

Poetic Arts | Learning Story

Poetic Arts | Learning Story

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the learning story we had to do in class a few days ago.
For this we were reflecting on what we did about hurumanu4 - Poetic Arts.

A learning story is a document you reflect on about what you did during hurumanu4 and how we did it.

Here is mine:

My Learning Story
Hurumanu: 4    (Poetic Arts)                                           
Name: Shania
Teachers:  Ds, Bh, Sc, Ht, Miss B.

Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.
What We Did: 
  •  We did Water colour | Doing: Drip, Splat, Blend, Salt. - we used and choices of 2 paint colours, paint brushes and paper.

  •  Weaving | We used black, white, coloured and textured paper, Glue stick, Scissors, 
        (I didn't finish mine) it was about a Taniwha book we read.  

  • Tapa art | We used a piece of white paper for our practice then went onto a final piece of paper then using charcoal over our drawings and blogged about them.

  • Maori patterns | We drew patterns onto a small piece of paper to use in our weaving.

  • Read books about the Rakaia Gorge and The Creation Of Tuna |  Then we did a few haiku poems and blogged about them after reading the 2 books.
What I Learned: 
  •  How to weave
  •  How to do (Drip) with watercolour
  • What tapa art is
My Favourite Part:
  •  Doing watercolour - Experimenting with the salt.
  •  Able to draw the patterns
  • `Weaving 
My Next Steps:
  •  Be better at the weaving and be faster at it because I didn't finish.
  •  Be better at drawing the patterns and add more to them.
  • Get better at doing the drip with water colour 

CARR Values: 
Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.
Being committed to the work we are doing and focusing really hard to finish it off.
Achieving goals and finishing work you need to achieve.
Not giving up when there’s something hard.
Respecting the stationary and people around you.
Any other comments
I enjoyed doing the water colour because it was easy and fun to do, and at the end we got to see what we did and how cool they looked.

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

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1. Something positive - something you like about what I have shared.
2. Thoughtful - A sentence to let us know you actually read/watched or listened to what I had to say
3. Something helpful - how have you connected with my learning? Give me some ideas for next time or ask me a question.

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