
Tuesday, April 14, 2020

How To Make Lolly Cake!

How To Make Lolly Cake!

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you how to make Lolly Cake.
I made this yesterday and it tastes like the normal Lolly Cake you would usually get from a shop or bakery.

Here are the ingredients:
1. 120g Butter
2. Half a tin of sweetened condensed milk
3. 1 packet of Eskimo lollies 
4. 1 packet of Griffins Malt biscuits 
5. Desiccated coconut
1. Warm the butter and half a tin of condensed milk in the microwave for 30 seconds twice, then mix.

2. Cut the whole packet of Eskimo lollies into bite sized bits.

3. Crush the whole packet of Malt biscuits into crumbs.

4. Mix the butter and condensed milk with the crushed Malt biscuits and lollies together.

Lolly Cake – Kids are the Bomb Diggity5. Form the mixture on glad wrap into a log shape, get another piece of glad wrap and lay it out with coconut on it then unwrap the mixture onto the other piece of glad wrap and cover the whole lollie cake with the coconut.

6. let chill in the fridge for 4 hours.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post and might try this out, if you do tell me how it works out.
If you have any feedback or positive comments please leave them in the comments.

1 comment:

  1. Tino pai Shania, this is a great piece of procedural writing, each step is explained in detail with clear instructions which makes it easy for your readers to follow. Including an image is a great idea too. It is really nice to have extra time during lockdown to do some baking or cooking. What else have you been making? Have you planned and cooked dinner for your family? I challenge you to do that! Yesterday I made some dough so that today I can cook hamburger buns for our homemade burgers tonight. It's easier than I thought it would be. Keep up the great work Shania!


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