
Tuesday, November 3, 2020

Coastal Wolves

 Coastal Wolves  

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you a slideshow about Coastal Wolves that the class started last week, I wasn't here last week so I buddied up with Chloe.

Here is the slideshow:

Facts About Coastal Wolves:

1. Coastal wolves are the size of a German Shepherd.

2. There are 2 types of Coastal Wolves.

3. Their name also goes by Sea Wolf.

4. Up to %90  of their diet is seafood.

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

Thursday, August 27, 2020

Morse Code!

Morse Code!

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the Morse Code me and Chloe did a few days ago, For this we could choose from Morse Code or Flags 
We Did Morse Code With:
Few pieces of A2 Paper and a pencil.

We got to choose from a few words like:
Food, Toilet, Rover, and more words.
We choose to do food but my buddy spelt it the other way around:
Morse Code Translator, Decoder, Alphabet | Boxentriq>Doof
(I figured this out after my buddy sent it)

When we were done writing down all the code we had to go to around about half of the field to read what we wrote down. 
But, we had to try and guess what the sender wrote then go back to them and say what we thought they said.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback, or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

Tuesday, August 18, 2020

Mars Activity

 Mars Activity

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the Mars stuff we have been doing for the past 1-2 weeks.
For this we got a planning sheet and a few boxes to put ideas, we started with a rhetorical question then did the rest of the planning - writing about the topic in 1 sentence.

Mars Curiosity Image Gallery | NASAWhat "Rhetorical Question" means:
It is a question with only a "Yes" or "No" Answer, you should also already know the answer to it.

My rhetorical question:
Have you ever touched a rover?

Topic sentences:
Rovers go to mars for samples of the dirt and water to bring back to earth and be tested.

The rovers have arms that extend so they can get the samples to bring back to earth and be tested.

Rovers have cameras so it can take photos and see where it goes then when it comes back to earth they can see what it found.

Rovers get samples of mars to bring back to earth and the cameras take photos for them to look at and review what they found.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

Wednesday, August 5, 2020

Mode, Median, Mean And Range!

Maths DLO

Hi readers, today I am showing you the work I have been doing in the past few weeks, for this we had to let others explain what we are learning in maths and explain Mode, Median, Mean, And Range.
Here is my work:

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

Wednesday, July 29, 2020

Making Water | Experiment

Making Water | Experiment

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the water we made a few days ago.
For this we got inspired from the movie called "The Martian"

We got given a few things to include in our blog, here they are:

Aim: We are trying to make water.

I think the water will succeed and mine wont do a pop sound like its meant to.

Magnesium, Hydrochloric Acid, Beaker, Test tube, bigger test tube as a lid to keep the gas in, 

3 Technologies that Could Transform Water ManagementMethod: 
1. Get magnesium and put it in the smaller tube,  
2. then put the bigger tube on top and pour a few drops of the acid in the smaller tube with the magnesium.
3. Then put the bigger tube on top as a lid and wait a few minutes.

4. After that get a match that is lit and put it in the tube.

  •  Sometimes you can hear a pop sound but if you don't another way of telling if it is don't or not is seeing if the tube went foggy.

As I was watching it I felt the tube heat up and the magnesium start bubbling. When I heated it up I saw the tube fog up.

When we finished my tube didn't make a pop sound like it was meant to. 
And the fire part smelt like gas 

My findings were finding out that magnesium and acid trapped in a tube can make a bubbly chemical that reacts to fire and makes a pop sound.

My opinion is that some pop sounds were cool and I think I should have let mine sit a few more minutes and then try get the pop sound.

I hope you enjoyed reading my blog, if you have any feedback or positive comments please leave them in the comments.

Friday, July 24, 2020

History Of Aotearoa | What I've Learnt

History Of Aotearoa | What I've Learnt

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the history learning we have been doing in hurumanu1 - "Who Are We"

For this we looked at a few things to do with Aotearoa, watching videos and reading about it. 
We watched a rap video to do with history and why we need to learn about it and if you want to listen to it here is a link.

We need to include in our blog posts:
  • Why we need to learn about the history of Aotearoa
  • Events in the history of Aotearoa 
-European Settlement

Also we celebrate things like this to remember what people did.

FALQs: New Zealand's Flag Referendums | In Custodia Legis: Law Librarians  of CongressWhy learn about the history?
1. So we know more information about it and be able to know if we had ancestors in the war.

2. So we know what mistakes people made and teach us not to                                                         do the same.

newzealandhistoryI hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comments please leave them in the comments.

Friday, July 3, 2020

Poetic Arts | Learning Story

Poetic Arts | Learning Story

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the learning story we had to do in class a few days ago.
For this we were reflecting on what we did about hurumanu4 - Poetic Arts.

A learning story is a document you reflect on about what you did during hurumanu4 and how we did it.

Here is mine:

My Learning Story
Hurumanu: 4    (Poetic Arts)                                           
Name: Shania
Teachers:  Ds, Bh, Sc, Ht, Miss B.

Give at least three examples in each of the boxes below.
What We Did: 
  •  We did Water colour | Doing: Drip, Splat, Blend, Salt. - we used and choices of 2 paint colours, paint brushes and paper.

  •  Weaving | We used black, white, coloured and textured paper, Glue stick, Scissors, 
        (I didn't finish mine) it was about a Taniwha book we read.  

  • Tapa art | We used a piece of white paper for our practice then went onto a final piece of paper then using charcoal over our drawings and blogged about them.

  • Maori patterns | We drew patterns onto a small piece of paper to use in our weaving.

  • Read books about the Rakaia Gorge and The Creation Of Tuna |  Then we did a few haiku poems and blogged about them after reading the 2 books.
What I Learned: 
  •  How to weave
  •  How to do (Drip) with watercolour
  • What tapa art is
My Favourite Part:
  •  Doing watercolour - Experimenting with the salt.
  •  Able to draw the patterns
  • `Weaving 
My Next Steps:
  •  Be better at the weaving and be faster at it because I didn't finish.
  •  Be better at drawing the patterns and add more to them.
  • Get better at doing the drip with water colour 

CARR Values: 
Make a statement below describing how you showed each of our CARR values during this Hurumanu.
Being committed to the work we are doing and focusing really hard to finish it off.
Achieving goals and finishing work you need to achieve.
Not giving up when there’s something hard.
Respecting the stationary and people around you.
Any other comments
I enjoyed doing the water colour because it was easy and fun to do, and at the end we got to see what we did and how cool they looked.

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

Monday, June 29, 2020

100 Word Challenge | And then I saw it...

100 Word Challenge | And then I saw it

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the 
"100 Word Challenge" 
I did in class today, for this we needed to include 
"And then I saw it"

Here is what my 100 Word Challenge looks like.

Walking through a smokey Halloween festival. 
It was dead silent, I saw people walking around dressed as ghosts, skeletons and zombies, their outfits were realistic.
It felt like a haunted graveyard with real dead people.
And then I saw it, I noticed they were real zombies, Ghosts and Skeletons! 
I felt like I jumped out of my skin and I had the fright of my life.
Ghost PNG Clipart | PNG MartI saw a doll against a tree, it was moving but I thought it was the wind, I went to look and it looked at me.. I ran away as fast as I could.

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any comments or positive feedback, please leave them in the comments.

Thursday, June 25, 2020

P.E: Weight

P.E: Weight

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the PE we did in hurumanu5 today.
What we did is make a Table with 3x7 rows ⇓
We also had to pick a number in between 20-40.
My number was 33.
Here is the table:

Push Up's3310
Sit Up's3310

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any feedback or positive comment, please leave them in the comments.

Wednesday, June 24, 2020

Drama - Benny Book

Drama - Benny Book

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the work we have been doing in hurumanu2 / Drama And Reading.
For this we did a Iceberg chart, Draw on a piece of paper the main parts of the story.
Another this we are doing is explaining what an: Ice Berg Chart is and also explaining what Role On The Wall, Picture Dictation and Hot Seating is. 
                                                                         (Example) 1. Ice berg chart: What they see is at the top and what they don't see (e.g backstage, behind the scene's.) Another example -->

2. Role On The Wall: Role on the wall is where you get a piece of paper then write things that the person or thing has done in that story or movie they are in.

3. Picture Dictation: Picture Dictation is where you draw a few squares then draw things that happen and you think are important in the story.         (Example)

4. Hot Seating: Where someone writes down a few questions about the story character you have chosen to act and you get a buddy to record when they are recording they ask you the question's and you need to answer acting like the character you chose.

5 Questions for hot seating:
I am doing the act of "I" and I need to answer the questions like the character would. 

1.How many Ice creams did you eat in 1 day?
2. How did you feel about Benny moving somewhere else?
3. How did you feel when Benny pushed you?
4. How did you feel when you heard police car sirens coming your way?
5. How did you feel when you knocked the other person of his kayak?

I hope you enjoyed reading if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comment.

Tuesday, June 23, 2020

Art - Water Colour

Art - Water Colour

Hi readers, today I will be showing you the Water Colour we did today in Poetic Arts - Hurumanu4.

For this we got a piece of paper with 4 squares saying Drip, Blend, Salt And Splat. 
And we got to pick 2 colours of paint but you can pick more if your doing this, 1 paint brush each, 1/2 Cup of water and Salt.

How to make the water colour: 

(Put your paint brush in the water then dip it in the paint)
Blend: Do 1 colour at the Top, Side, Corner etc and the other colour on the opposite side. And blend them

Drip: (make sure there's more water on this one) 
Put any size dots on the paper then hold it up so it runs down the page.

Salt: Put the salt on the paper then brush the paint over it.

Splat: Get the paint brush and hold your brush on top of the paper in the air then with your other hand gently hit it so it splats on your paper.

Here is my Water Colour:

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

The Rakaia Gorge - Diamante Poem

The Rakaia  Gorge - Diamante Poem

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the Diamante Poem I did in hurumanu 4. For this we had a book read to us about a Taniwha and a village with wind as a villain called 
The Nor-West Wind. We also watched a video about it, here's the link to it (Here)

And here is my Poem:

Diamante Poem
About the Taniwha then the people.

Strong, Brave,
Fighting, Cleaning, Helping,
Not Weak, Sacrifices, Really Tough
Thanking, Helpful, Kind, Character, Gentle,
Caring, Protective, Meaningful, 
Village, Generous,

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any comments or positive feedback please leave them in the comments.

Monday, June 22, 2020

100 Word Challenge, - Humour.

100 Word Challenge - Humour

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the 100 Word Challenge I did today, for this we based it off a photo and wrote about it.
This 100 word challenge had to be Humorous - Funny,

Here is the photo we used to base it on:

In the car eating cooked meat were some people while someone
went outside,
a bear could sense the food so he came along then shook
the car, he was a friendly bear but when it comes to food,
he’s rough. The smell was just tempting him to roll the car,
then food would fly everywhere inside and make a mess,
the other person came back and kept his distance,
the bear shook the car, the people gave the bear food and
then it ran away, so the other guy got in the car and laughed,
 they were covered in food.

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any comments or positive feedback, please leave them in the comments.

Thursday, June 11, 2020

Bok Choy

Bok Choy

Hi readers, today I will be showing you the work I have been doing in hurumanu2 - Reading/Drama.
For this we had to create a D.L.O and anything to put questions on that the teachers gave us and for us to answer them.

Here is my work:

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any positive comments or feedback please leave them in the comments.

Thursday, June 4, 2020

The Lack Of Pigeons

The Lack Of Pigeons

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the book I have been working on in class for hurumanu 2 - Reading/Drama.
For this we had to choose a book to write about and then answer question we get given and once e have finished that book we move onto another.

Here is my work:

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

Wednesday, May 27, 2020

The Creation Of Tuna - Haiku Poem

The Creation Of Tuna - Haiku Poem

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the Haiku poem I did of the Tuna - Eel I blogged about yesterday.
For this we had to create another poem about the Tuna book and make a poem about it.

Here is mine:

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any feedback or positive comments, please leave them in the comments.

Tuesday, May 26, 2020

Haiku Poem

Haiku Poem

Hi readers, today I am going to be showing you the haiku poem I did in class today for hurumanu.
For this we had to think about what we want to make the haiku poem about.
A haiku poem cant rhyme, only has 3 lines and in the first line it has 5 syllables, second line has 7 and the last line has 5 as well.
Here is my poem:

I hope you enjoyed reading, if you have any feedback or positive coment please leave them in the comments. 