
Tuesday, October 15, 2019

Hurumanu-science Definitions!!


Hi readers today I am going to be telling you about the document we did about definitions!
We got given 5 definitions then we had to say what it means.

here is mine:
hurumanu science-definition
  1. Anemometer
Measures the speed of the wind, gas, or any current.

  1. Image result for anemometer
    Beaufort wind scale
Measures the wind speed
  1. Python
It’s similar to a hurricane.
Image result for Beaufort wind scale

  1. Monsoon
A Monsoon is a seasonal change in the direction of the prevailing, or strongest, winds of a region.
Image result for monsoon
  1. What is it when the weather is really nice then turns to hail fast?
forms when thunderstorm drafts are strong enough to carry water droplets well above the freezing level. It’s a Hailstone
Image result for hailstone

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