
Tuesday, April 9, 2019

100 word challenge "but it was the wrong colour"

100 word challenge "but it was the wrong colour"

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the 100 word challenge we have been doing.
the teacher has given us a sentence we have to base it about and title it.

Here is my story I came up with.
But it is the wrong colour.
100 word challenge.

One sunny hot day, there was a festival with lots of fun
looking games, yummy food and more crazy cool stuff.
I wanted to wear 3 different colours.
Pink, Blue and white.
I wanted to wear my black pants,
“but it was the wrong
so I wore my blue pants. And I also found a white top
“but it was the wrong colour” so I had to wear my
white shirt
with a
blue and pink
“dream catcher” picture on it. Then I was ready,
so I went luckily
I made it just in time.
festival was such a blast.

I hope you enjoyed my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments. Bye!!

Monday, April 8, 2019

Skittle science

Skittle science

Hi readers, Today we have been doing is 2 classes of science for the class we did science with skittles.

Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.

 Here are 3 photos.              After

Materials you need.
1. Petrie dish, bowl anything you have.
2. Skittles.
3. And cold water.

Steps to do it.

1. Put the 5/6 skittles spread around the outside.

2. Add the water (cold)
3. And watch the satisfaction.

Conclusion: I found this experiment really fun and I hope you try it out. What I learnt from this is. That when you mix the colours sometimes they can blend and sometimes they the spread to the middle perfectly. I liked the different colours, the speed, and the effects. It was quite satisfying and I especially liked the triangle effect.

I hope you enjoyed my post. If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

food Science.

Food Science

Image result for scrambled eggs
Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about today's science. What we have to do on our blogs is do a step by step instructions on something you can hand make.

Today I will be telling you how to make scrambled eggs.
What you need is:

1. as many eggs as you want, for one person I would prefer 1-2 eggs.
1. Butter, Marge or Oil Any Oil, Butter, Marge etc that works for you.
2. A fry pan.
3. A stove.
4. A cup.
5. Salt and pepper. (optional)

6. A tsp/ tea spoon.
7. A wooden spoon-spatula or anything that works for you.

How to make the Scramble egg's.

1. Get you cup and crack your egg's then put the egg's in.
Image result for scrambled eggs
2. put Salt, Pepper or both in with the eggs.
3. put your pan on the oven and onto 6 degrees.
4. put your Butter, Marge etc in your pan on the stove.
5. While you are waiting for your pan to heat up and for your marge, butter etc to melt. Mix the egg etc you  in your cup you did earlier.
6. Once the pan is heated and the butter etc is melted enough you can put your egg mixture into the pan. And wait for the scrambled eggs to be ready.

Conclusion: With this meal you can serve it on toast with some vegetables or fruit anything you want.

I hope you liked my post. If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.
And I hope you learnt something new.

(Science) Coloured paper

(Science) Coloured paper

Hi readers, today I am going to  be telling you about the Science we have been doing today.

Aim: To separate colours by using the process of chromatography.

What we have been doing is paper colouring with a few materiel's. 

Here are 2 photos.

Before                         After

The things you need are.

1. A cup,
2. A piece of filtered paper,
3. water-(cold),
4. 2 or more water based markers,
5. A ruler,

Steps to do it.

1. Get your piece of paper and put your colour on it at 1 cm. (any colour's)
2. Get your cup and put the paper in with the paper a bit folded over the edge. 
3. Put the water in. (be careful you don't touch the paper as your pouring it)

4. Watch the colour rise up the paper.

Conclusion: This is a very fun experiment and I think you should try it out. I have learnt that when the colours are in the paper in the cup with a little bit of water. The colour blends and it made a blue, cream, and purpley type of colours on the paper. Even tho we were only using black and green.  

I hope you enjoyed my blog post If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comment's.

Wednesday, April 3, 2019

Building into our rubbish art.

Building into our rubbish art.

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about what we have added to our rubbish art we have been working on.

What we have done is add blue paint to the background and put grass out of cardboard on it. What we did to stick the grass on. How we made the grass is, we got cardboard then cut it so there is a pars for it to stick onto the cardboard canvas but made it so there is little pieces of cardboard sticking out and glued it on with hot glue. Then we ran out of glue sticks so we used white glue, that didn't work. So we stapled them and now it is staying.

Here is a photo of what it looks like so far:

I hope you enjoyed my post. If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.