
Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Rubbish planning.

Rubbish planing.

Hi readers, today in class we were talking about what art we should create with the rubbish we collected on Wednesday the 13th. We had some cool suggestion's but it came down to the last 3 to vote on.
The last 3 were:
1. A big "H" for Hornby High School.
2. A sign with a positive message on it.
3. Native birds.

The vote's on the 3 options were
"H" 20 votes, sign with a positive message 3 votes and Native birds 40 votes.

So our native birds vote have won. 
Image result for native birdsHere are a few photos on native birds.

Image result for native birds
I hope you enjoyed my blog post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comment's.

1 comment:

  1. Kia ora Shania!

    You did some great blogging about the CIP rubbish project. I like how you added in lots of detail and clearly explained what we did on Wednesday.

    I look forward to reading more of your blogs this year. :)

    - Miss Birtch


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