
Thursday, March 28, 2019

Writing longer sentences.

 Writing longer sentences.

Hi readers, today  am going to be telling you about some writing we did this morning called "Lexia writing" 
What we did for Lexia writing was get into groups of 3 or pairs, then we made a document and shared it with the other person/people in your group.
Then we shared ideas and chose the ones we thought were good and changed the colour if each verb, noun and adjective.
First we started with a plain boring sentence and make it more interesting and exiting.

Here is what my group came up with:

We played a game for hours
We happily played a game for hours.

We happily played a interesting game for hours.

We happily played a interesting game of Volleyball for hours.

We happily played a interesting  game of Volleyball for two long and boring hours.

We happily played a interesting game of Volleyball for two long and boring hours, while we waited for the bell to ring. ______________________________________________________
I hope you enjoyed, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Wednesday, March 20, 2019

Rubbish planning.

Rubbish planing.

Hi readers, today in class we were talking about what art we should create with the rubbish we collected on Wednesday the 13th. We had some cool suggestion's but it came down to the last 3 to vote on.
The last 3 were:
1. A big "H" for Hornby High School.
2. A sign with a positive message on it.
3. Native birds.

The vote's on the 3 options were
"H" 20 votes, sign with a positive message 3 votes and Native birds 40 votes.

So our native birds vote have won. 
Image result for native birdsHere are a few photos on native birds.

Image result for native birds
I hope you enjoyed my blog post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comment's.

What we did on Tuesday.

What we did on Tuesday

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about what we did on Tuesday. 
What we did on Tuesday is organised our self's into 3 groups of the different classes. Then we got given a sports topic to research about out of Netball, touch and football.
The team I am in is netball.

For this project we got shared a document set up for us to fill out.
The things we had to fill out was:
 Rules and
 what equipment is needed.

I hope you enjoyed my post if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Thursday, March 14, 2019

1 minute movie (Explaining camera angles)

1 minute movie (Explaining camera angles)

W.A.L.T: I can explain a variety of camera angles used to make a movie.

Image result for camera angles
Hi readers, today I am going to tell you about different types of camera angles.

Camera angles:

1. Long shot - The person filming needs to be at least 2 meters away from the person acting.
2. Close up - Filming close up to the actor.
3. First person - The actor takes the camera and
4. Low angle - The filmier  is low near the ground while the actor is walking, running, skipping or doing whatever.
5. Shoulder angle - The filmier hold's the camera behind the shoulder as a shoulder view. 

I hope you enjoyed my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.


Wednesday, March 13, 2019

Art making out of trash.

Art making out of trash.

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about a new project we are going to be working on.

The new project we are working on is making art out of trash to help the community.

The teachers have given us 6 questions to answer on our blogs.

1. In your own words what is the project?
To help the community from the pollution.

2. What is the purpose?
To help clean up hornby and help the ocean with the sea animals in it.

3. How much rubbish do you think we are going to collect?
 500 piece's, more or less.

4. Why do you think you are going to pick that muck rubbish up?
Because I think that's the amount I might pick up.

5. What colours do you think you will see the most an why?
Silver, black and white because silver cans are dumped nearly everywhere. Black and white is on most bottles, cans, rubbish packets/lollie packs and more.

6. What type of art would you like to create?
Abstract art of a cat.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Monday, March 11, 2019

Little red riding hood (Narrative)

Little red riding hood (Narrative) 

W.A.L.T: I can write a narrative using the correct structure

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the
"Little Red Riding Hood"
filming/speech we have been doing.

Characters: Shania (Little Red Riding Hood), Mikayla (Grandma), Chloe (Mother), Mika (Wicked old lady).

Narrator: Kineka.
How I think the group is working (Good or bad)

So far I think it is going well but not the best.
Because sometimes people are tired and cant be bothered acting.

I hope you enjoyed my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Wednesday, March 6, 2019

Community project

Community project- Aotearoa community project.

Hi bloggers, today I am going to be talking about what we have been doing for the past 2 or 3 weeks. 

First the teachers were asking us what group we want to go in. 
I picked Aotearoa. 

Questions and comments the teachers asked:

1. Explain what community you picked?
I picked the Aotearoa community because  you can do fundraising, help the homeless and do more things.

2. Explain why this group is your passion.
To keep a few people happy.

3. Explain one idea you are interested in.
I am interested in the sausage sizzle idea because I get to fund raise and take orders. I would give this money to the Salvation Army to buy little gift packs for people on the street.

4. How do you think you will achieve this idea?
I think it will go well but at the same time I don't know until we try do it.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post if you have any feedback or comments please leave it in the comments.