
Friday, September 7, 2018

More body systems

W.A.L.T: Explain what different body systems are and how they work.

Hi, Today I am going to be explaining what different types of body systems are and how they work.
This week we have been looking at 4 different body systems. we have been working on the nervous system, muscular system, the digestive system and the Respiratory system.

1. Nervous system,
Lets start with the nervous system, you have all heard of nervs right? they are all over your body. So for example if you bang your arm/leg etc then it hurts for a while that nerve sends a message to the brain and the brain sais to you "you have bangd your arm", You get messages to and from the brain.

2. Musclar system,
You have ove 600 muscels in your body!!
you use 15 smiles to do a smile, 40 mussels when you frown and 200 mussels when you walk.

3. Digestive system,
The digestive system has something called a Mesentery, the Mesentery is a type of tissue that holds all of your stoumach organs. You have 10 organs in your stoumach. they are called
Salivary glands, Pharynx,  Esophagus, Stomach, Small Intestine, Large Intestine and the Rectum

4. Respetory system,
The human body has several biological systems that carry out specific functions necessary for everyday living.
The circularoty system moves blood, nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide and hormones around the body.

We have been doing templates for this on a google drawing.
Here is mine.

I hope you enjoyd,!! if you have any feedback please leave it in the comments.
Have a great week,

1 comment:

  1. Good morning Shania. I like the way you have set your work into chunks. I like that each chunk has a title and that there is a space between each system. I really enjoyed reading the interesting information you have. 600 muscles in the body, WOW! that's a lot.Why do you think we use more muscles when we frown than we do when we smile? I look forward to your reply


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