
Friday, September 27, 2019

Hurumanu-Equipment for science

Equipment for science

Hi readers today I am going to be telling you about the science 
we did on tuesday.
I wasn't here but I got a little help from a friend to writ the blog post's.
Aim: To learn about  the expected behaviour in a science laboratory.

Our R9 Class Treaty
  1.   Bags under your desk. 
  2. No food or drink   
  3. No running  
  4. Don't touch experiment 
  5.  Report any breakages
  6.   Do not taste or sniff anything 
Safety in a laboratory.

teacher   shoes   practical  teacher laboratory   ask  sniff teacher  breakages 

  1.   Follow the instructions given to you by the teacher.
  2.   You must not enter the laboratory without your teacher.
  3.   Report all breakages to your teacher.
  4.   You must never eat or drink in a laboratory.
  5.   hoes must be worn at all times.
  6.   If you spill something you should tell your teacher immediately.
  7.  You should wash your hands after every practical activity.
  8. You should know what you are doing. If in doubt  ask your teacher.
  9. Never taste or sniff chemicals.
In your group, discuss how the following scenarios could be dangerous.
  1. Not putting your bag under your desk.
  2. Running around in the laboratory.
  3. Not wearing shoes in a laboratory.
  4. Shaking a test tube with your thumb over its mouth?
How do we work in this laboratory?

  1. Start and End of class: Lining up, put our bags away, find a seat, do fun experiment, when bell rings wait till your teacher releases you.
  2. Equipment tray: equipment list and what they are used for.                                                                                                                                                                                                      1.Test tube - This is used  for experiments using liquids.They have a bung that can be placed in the top. Test tubes sit in a test tube rack.
                                                                                                2. Conical Flask - This is used for experiments with liquid up to 150 ml. The flask has a rubber bung for the top and the glass is heat proof.
                                                                                                           3. Glass Stirring rod - This is a 20cm glass rod used to stir and mix any liquids together.
                                                                                                        4. Test tube tongs - These are used to hold hot equipment we have used after an experiment.
                                                                                                             5. Spatula - This is for holding small amounts of chemical powders.

                                                                                                                    6. Funnel - used to channel liquids into a smaller container.
                    7. Measuring Cylinder - This is used to measure liquids for experiments. The liquid we use will be poured into a beaker or test tube once measured out.

                    I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

                    Monday, September 23, 2019

                    Twenty-five words (Poem)

                    Twenty-five words (Poem)

                    HI readers, today I am going to be telling you about the      Twenty-five words (Poem)
                    we did in our class today.

                    We got given a sheet with Twenty-five words on it and we needed to use those not adding other words and we can't reuse them.
                    It also had a example poem so we could look at, But not copy.

                    Here the the words we got given:
                    Light, ice, run, fly, float, white, mountains, white, feather, blue, fast, past, snow, fall, puddles, bright, river, sunshine, burn, crusty, stars, water, sky, black, beautiful.

                    And here is my poem:
                    Light puddles run,
                    blue sy,
                    fast snowfall, 
                    white ice,
                    Bright river,
                    sunshine burn, 
                    Beautiful crusty feather fly, 
                    Black stars float past,
                    Water witch mountain.

                    I hope you enjoyed my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

                    Tuesday, September 17, 2019

                    What I think will happen in wood work.

                    What I think will happen in wood work.

                    Hi readers,today I am going to be telling you about the woodwork we have just started today.
                    What we did today was:

                    -Read through the safety rules as a class about what we can and can't do.

                    -And get a picture given to us with over 22 issues that people are doing wrong. - how they are being unsafe.
                    what we had to do for that was circle whos doing what wrong.

                    Image result for safety png

                    Now what  think will happen in woodwork.
                    I think that we will make things like a basket and other cool things that are kind of like that.

                    I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any positive comment or feedback please leave it in the comments.

                    What would I like to see in 2040?

                    What would I like to see in 2040?

                    Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about a document we just watched in Science/Drama
                    It was about what we would like to see in 2040 and what it would look like.

                    Here is a few question's we got given:

                    What would we like to see in 2040?
                    -I would like to see less pollution and less harm in the world.

                    What are 2 things we learnt?
                    - If we plant more plants it will help with the carbon dioxide-CO2
                    - That fish are endangered as well as other animals. From being caught in the sea so much. And instead of eating animals we can eat seaweed and better things.

                    Here is a trailer of the document-movie:
                    (This isn't the full movie)Image result for 2040

                    I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any 
                    positive comment or feedback please leave it in the comments.

                    Friday, September 13, 2019

                    Hurumanu-science water cycle

                    science water cycle

                    Hey readers, today I am going to be telling you about the water cycle we have been doing for this week.
                    Here it is: 

                    AIM: TO LEARN ABOUT WATER ON EARTH.

                    Related image

                    Scientific words:

                    • Evaporation. When water is heated by radiant energy it turns into water vapor.
                    • Transpiration. Evaporation from plants.
                    • Condensation. When water vapor cools, molecules join together and form clouds.
                    • Precipitation. When clouds get heavy the waters falls as rain, sleet, hail, or snow.
                    • Acidification: the action or process of making or becoming acidic.

                    THE WATER CYCLE SONG

                    Image result for the water cycle

                    THE WATER CYCLE EXPERIMENT

                    Bag 1: Normal Water cycle
                    Bag 2: Water cycle with CO2 added: like Oceans in climate change
                    Bag 3: Water cycle with ice added: like Antarctica in climate change


                    1.  Plastic bag
                    2.  vivid
                    3.  water
                    4.   food colouring
                    5. baking soda
                    6. litmus paper


                    1. get your plastic bag and your vivid 
                    2.  then draw the water cycle on it (Like in my photos)
                    3.  put 1 cup of water in your bag
                    4. add 2 drops of food colouring
                    5.  add one tsp of baking soda
                    6. then put litmus paper at the top and see if it changes colour.

                    Two Images:


                    The Water Cycle: Bag 1
                    CO2 Water Cycle: Bag 2
                    Desert Water Cycle
                    Bag 3
                    Does it cycle?
                    Amount of Water

                    Key: Water and acidity amount: 
                    1 = none 
                    2 = small 
                    3 = large 

                    Other comments:

                    Conclusion: Normal water cycle: It was a small cycle and small amount of water.

                    Water cycle with acid: The bag with baking soda is the same, small amount of water and small cycle.






                      ICE CAP MELT



                      WATER VAPOUR



                      Friday, September 6, 2019

                      Climate chaos - Science

                      Climate chaos - Science

                      Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the science we have been doing for the past weeks.

                      We have been doing science about climate change, we had to make bags that had a water cycle in it.

                      here is mine:
                      Climate Chaos
                      Written by: Shania


                      A water cycle! And-(baking soda, and litmus paper!)


                      To see how the evaporation and water cycle works.


                      Materials 1:
                      -zip lock bag
                      -hot water
                      -blue food colouring
                      -double sided tape

                      Materials 2:
                      -zip lock bag
                      -hot water
                      -blue food colouring
                      -double sided tape
                      - litmus paper
                      -baking soda


                      experiment 1:
                      -Get the vivid
                      -draw the water cycle onto the bag
                      -go show the teacher
                      -cut 2 pieces of double sided tape
                      -get 2 pieces of double sided tape
                      -go to the teacher again and get hot water poured onto the bag
                      -the teacher will add 2 drops of food colouring
                      -peel the double sided tape
                      -let the teacher stick it onto the window.

                      Experiment 2:
                      -Get the vivid
                      -draw the water cycle onto the bag
                      -go show the teacher
                      -get 2 pieces of double sided tape
                      -go to the teacher again and get hot water poured onto the bag
                      -the teacher will add 2 drops of food colouring
                      -get 1 tsp of baking soda
                      -peel the double sided tape
                      -let the teacher stick it onto the window.


                      Conclusion 1:
                      I think that the first bag will be normal like water but with blue food colouring but it will do what a water cycle does.

                      I think the difference between the bags are one is like a fizzy and one is like a blue liquid.

                      Conclusion 2:
                      I think that the second bag is going to have a substance like fizzy and if we open the bag it might fizz like fizzy bottles.

                      I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any positive comment or feedback, please leave it in the comments.

                      Thursday, September 5, 2019

                      Free verse Poetry!!


                      Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the poem's we have been doing a few weeks ago.

                      I did a free verse poem
                      because they are easy sometimes and sometimes they aren't if you don't have a topic.

                      I didn't have a topic but the teacher put ideas on a slide and we got to chose from them.
                      I chose winter wonderland because I like snow, snowflakes and building snowmen.

                      Here is my free verse poem:
                      Sitting inside, feeling heat 
                      Eating toast.
                      I saw the snow slowly start to fall.
                      I got dressed up.


                      I finally done dressing, 
                      Going outside.
                      The snowflakes are just like the photos.
                      Felt hard droplets on my head
                      I put my hands out and caught…
                      I hope you enjoyed reading my post. If you have any feedback or positive comment, please leave it in the comments.

                      Monday, September 2, 2019

                      Self managing!!

                      Self managing!!

                      Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the google drawing we have been doing today.

                      WHat we had to do was brainstorm as a class a whole bunch of self managing ideas.
                      then we had to make a google drawing about it.

                      Here is mine and kristille's google drawing!

                      One thing I have done today to show self management:
                      Being organised

                      What does self managing mean to me:
                      We need to be a good self manager to make our learning better.

                      What could I do to be a better self manager:

                      I could try to complete the tasks I am given.

                      I hope you enjoyed reading my post.
                      If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.