
Thursday, August 29, 2019



Hi readers, Today I will be telling you about the facts we had to write today in class.

WHat we had to do was pick a topic and find 5 facts, ut the link were we found the facts and make it interesting with photos.

Here is mine:
The link on the photo doesn't work so (here) is the link!

I hope you enjoyed my blog post.
If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Monday, August 26, 2019

Digital tech reflection

Digital tech reflection

Hi readers today I am going to be telling you about the digital tech we have been doing over the past term.

First we started to look over problems around the world.
I chose pollution because I thought it would be easy. 
But it's not easy,

we had to make a game about the problem we are looking over.
The websites we could use were:
1. gamefroot-website
2. app lab-website
4. spheros-circle robot we control with a app on an ipad

Links to websites:

gamefroot (Click photo for link)  

app lab (Click photo for link) 
app lab

scratch (Click photo for link) 


I hope you enjoyed reading my post.
If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Sewing!! ~Tech~

Sewing!! ~Tech~

HI readers, today  am going to be telling you about the sewing tech we do on tuesdays and fridays.

We are making "Drawstring bags"

First we measured our fabric and cut it out.
I did a front, back, pocket, and other fabric.

then we had to paint them.
Because our sewing teacher wasn't there we had a reliever teacher teaching us.
when we were finished our sewing teacher got mixed up with the templeton bags that come here for tech because they don't have any tech rooms.
and the front part of my bag went missing.
the teacher said she saw it and she told me what patterns were on it and it was mine but she forget where she found it.

If I could I would post photos but we didn't take any photo's.

 I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comment's!



Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the art we have been doing for the last few weeks.
We have been doing stop motion movies and watching some for ideas.
for that we did storyboarding.

I will be writing about:

1. who is in our group?
2. what are our roles?
3. how does our storyboard show manaakitanga?

In my group:
Me-Shania, Kristille, Sita, Mikayla, Asena, and Chloe.

Director- chloe
Script writer - sita
Camera person: asena

Our storyboard shows manaakitanga by:
Helping someone outside a cave that is homeless then we find out that she is our sibling.

Photo of our storyboard so far:

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, If you have any positive comment or any feedback please leave it in the comments.

Thursday, August 8, 2019

fitness swap overs

Fitness swap overs

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the fitness circle we did last week.

There was:
1. grip strength
2. sit-ups
3. vertical jumps test
4. Flexibility sit and reach 

Grip strength I got 2

Sit-ups I got 17

vertical jump I got 1.9

flexibility I got 5.4

my goal is to reach 20+ sit-ups!

I hope you enjoyed reading my post.
If you want to challenge that GO AHEAD and comment what you got you would probably get more then me :)
if you have any positive comment or feedback please leave it in the comments.