
Thursday, June 20, 2019

How to play "Tapou Ae"

How to play "Tapou Ae"

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the game we played today and how we had to fill in a chart how to play it. and a reflection chart.

Here are my chart's:
Title: How to play Tapou Ae
To teach someone else to play it by them  reading this.
Ball, cones,   coloured bibs to know what team your in unless you want coloured clothes. 6 tennis balls 3 for one team and three for the other.
Water when you have your break and food
1: one player has to stand in the circle made of cones and protect the 3 tennis balls while the other team is trying to knock them off.
2:  The people in the middle keep throwing it to their teammates to knock the other teams tennis balls off.
3: The guardian is trying to protect the tennis balls.
4: once one of the tennis balls have been knocked off put it under the cone and so on.
5:     have fun.
6: (Most important) Have 7 players in each team.
Be careful and try not to fall over. The game is fun and I hope you like it.
Today in my writing I focused on (this should be something from the success criteria above)...
Reflection, how is this going?

I focutest on getting my work finished.
The reflection is:

Not getting distracted.
Ok, not to hard but not to easy

Having a good explanation in writing  (how to play it).

I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Charlie and the Chocolate Factory

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the 
"Charlie and the Chocolate Factory"  
Inferencing tasks.
Inferencing tasks are where the teacher puts questions on a document and we have to answer them.

Here is my sheet:
Set S2 - Key to inferencing Level 2

Answer the following questions:

1. As the building swayed Jackie watched in horror as hundreds of books tumbled onto the floor.
Where was Jackie? Jakie was in the Library.

2. Few palm trees are found beyond the coast.
Where are you most likely to find palm trees? Palm trees are mostly found at the Beach.

3. Cars whizzed past on either side of Abby as she waited to cross to the other side of the road.
Where was Abby? Abby was in The street’s.

4. The air filled with the scent of pine, Dion pressed on hoping ti reach the clearing before dark.
Where was Dion? Dion was in The forest

5. The settlers decided to call the new colony New Amsterdam after their hometown.
Where had they come from? They had come from the Netherlands.

6. Only a few more metres to go and he would be able to plant the flag on the summit.
Where was he? He was at The mountain's.
I hope you enjoyed reading my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments. Bye!!

Wednesday, June 19, 2019

C.I.P 12 dollar meal budget.

C.I.P 12 dollar meal budget.

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the $12 food meal challenge we did on wednesdays.

What we did was get into groups of 6 and bring $2 each to make $12. We had to make a menu and design it. 

Here are a few photos and the menu.

The food tasted good and I liked the juice. We also had the leftover juice out of the "Canned pineapple" tin when we didn't have anymore apple juice left.
We didn't go over the budget but we did go under. it came to ($8.70) I think we did quite good for that amount of money.
The experience was the best experience I have had yet in school so far this year.  
The shopping was cool because we got to walk around in our uniform shopping and people were probably confused so it was kind of funny as well.
Our group got on quite well and had no arguments.

 hope you enjoyed my post, if you have any positive comment or feedback please leave it in the comments.

Monday, June 17, 2019

P.E hurumanu

P.E Hurumanu 

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the P.E we did last week.
What we did was:

1. beep test.
2. shuttles.
3. Rotations.
(That is all I can remember)

1. what makes you a good team player?
I am a good team player because I participate in some activities. 

2. what is your roll in your team?
I am the strategy coach.

3. how could you be a better team player?
I can be a better team player by participating in more activities.
(1: So I could practice to contribute in all activities) 
(2: Working on running skills and working on better paces)
(3: Better team work)

4. what skills do you need?
Communition, being organised for doing work, being a great team member, and having a good attitude.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post. If you have any positive comment or feedback, please leave it in the comments.

Friday, June 14, 2019

Digital tech

Digital tech

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the digital tech we have been doing today. 
What we have done is answer 3 questions.

Here are the questions.

1. What do we think digital technology will be about? 
I think it will be about the world and the issues happening around us.

2. What do you already know about digital technology?
I know how to play a variety of games.

3. What are you hoping to learn during this digital technology class?
I hope to learn how to make games.

I hope you enjoyed reading my post. If you have any feedback or positive comments please leave it in the comments.

Wednesday, June 12, 2019

Design tech designs

Design tech designs

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the "designer tech" we have been doing. 
We made phone/book (etc.) holders

1. Find images we wanted to put on our designs from google.
2. then we had to go onto laser-works v8  
3. then we had to fill out paper work to finish and get our designs ready.
4. Then if we finished the paper work we had to help other people if they haven't finished.
5. Then it got printed and we got to take it home to use.

Here is a photo.

I liked the experience and I hope you liked reading my post. If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.