
Friday, May 31, 2019



Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about what we did a few days ago.

What we HAD to do and i didn't want to do it was, listen to the teacher talk about puberty.
The teacher talked about physical changes that happens to your body as you grow up.

I hope you enjoyed my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave t in the comments,

Drama Puppet talk

Drama Puppet talk

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the puppet talk we did on Tuesday.
We have had questions we have to answer about the puppet talk.
Here are the questions:

1: How do you feel today? (Describe - share some  vocabulary words for emotions)
On Tuesday I felt shy, nervous and worried, I didn't want to do it, but I did. I felt worried because I thought that we might fail.

2: Explain how you used your voice to show emotion in the puppet talk: Our group didn't do voices, we did it to the healthy eating song, Because we didn't want to talk and that song was our only option.

3. Share a video of your puppet talk (We did a video but its not showing on our teacher's camera so we can't share it)

4. And we have to make a positive comment on someone else’s blog.

Picture of a mood metre:

I hope you enjoyed my post, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments, Bye!!

Friday, May 24, 2019

Mental health (Drama/health)

Mental health (Drama/health)

Hi readers today I am going to be telling you about the topic we have been doing in Drama/Health class.
We got given questions to answer.

Here are the questions and my answers to them.

1. What is "Mental Health?"
Mental Health is your feelings or emotions

2. When I am: Angry, Happy, Confused, tired, embarrassed or any other motions I feel: When im angry I feel Tense. 

3. How do I deal with my emotions?: Talk to a friend, a family member or anyone else that might help.

4. Who is the best person to talk to when I am at home: Family or talk to your animals and play with them. And someone you trust because then you know that you trust them and they wont tell anyone else.

Example of when I felt any of these was: I was embarrassed when I was on stage doing a play when I was about 6 years old. 

Who is the best person to talk to when i'm at school? Why?
Your teacher, a school counsellor or your class/school mates.
This is the same "because" reason as the "Who is the best to talk to around home"

I hope you enjoyed my post.
 if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Friday, May 17, 2019

My poem's

My poem's

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about the poem we have had to do today in drama.
What we had to do was 2 poems and publish a blog post about them by the end of the drama class.

Here are my poems.
My poem

Poem 1
H-yperactive sometimes.
A-nd trying to make a poem that rhymes.
I-ntelligent minded
A-chivement in a few things.

Poem 2
I want to be who I want to be.
I’m not changing for anyone so why change for me
You can’t change me.
Only I can

I hope you liked my poems, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments. Bye!!

Friday, May 10, 2019

Weekly physical activity.

Weekly physical activity.

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling what we have been doing for drama this week.

What we have been doing is talk about our physical activity's we have been doing weekly. We also have to wright down a promise we will keep, my promise is on my drawing. Then we have to blog it,
Here is a physical activity I have done weekly.

I hope you enjoyed my post if you have any feedback or positive
comment please leave it in the comments.

Friday, May 3, 2019



Hi readers, today  am going to tell you about Drama/Health.

What we have done today is create a food pyramid and post it on our blog.
How a food pyramid works:
The less sugar food start at the top and then the more it goes to the bottom it has more sugar. 
Here is my Food pyramid.

I hope you enjoyed my post today, if you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments. Also if you learnt something about what sugar does to you please leave it in the comments.

Thursday, May 2, 2019

Maths DLO

Maths DLO

Hi readers, today I am going to be telling you about what I have been doing for maths this past week on a DLO.
What we have done is daily 10 and fractions.

Here is a DLO showing what I have done.

I hope you enjoyed my blog post or learnt something. If you have any feedback or positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Wednesday, May 1, 2019

Balloon science

Balloon science.

Aim: To see which chemical creates the most gas.

Hypothesis: I think that when the balloon goes on the bottle the balloon with blow up from the carbon dioxide coming out of the bottle.

Hi readers, today I am gong to be telling you about today's science we have done.
Today we have blown up a balloon by using carbon dioxide.

Here are some materials you need and step's.


1. Any amount of bottles you want.

2. A balloon.
3. Vinegar.
4. Salt.
5. Soda water.
6. baking soda.

(don't add all indigence into the bottle because we are dong two different bottles, one with baking soda and vinegar and one with soda water and salt)

1. Add the powder into the balloon.
2. And the vinegar into the bottle.
3. Once you have done that put the balloon onto the top of the bottle.
4. Shake the balloon to make the powder fall out into the bottle.
5. Watch it blow up.

Here are two photos, one for each bottle and the progress.
                                        Cm: up 14.2 side 13.5
Cm: Side 5 cm up 7.3

Conclusion: I think you should try this out. it was very fun for me.

I hope you enjoyed my blog. if you have any positive comment please leave it in the comments.

Science Distance and behaviour of a paper plane.

Science Distance and behaviour of a paper plane.

A.I.M: To learn about flight and aerodynamics. 

Hi readers, today I am going to tell you about, the distance and behaviour of a paper plane with, a normal paper plane, a paper clip on the front of it, and cut out flaps on the back of it. 

  • In our groups of three we will, make a water rocket and measure its distance and behaviour.
  • In our groups of three we will make a water rocket and record its distance and behaviour. 

Plane Type

curved line

straight line
Paper clip

straight line

Conclusion: This was a fun experiment and I hope you get a chance to try it out. For my groups normal plane It went 1.6m as a distance and it was in a curved line. For our Paper flaps at the back, it went 2m in distance and went in a straight line. And with the paper clip at the front of the plane it went 2.3m in a straight line. I think you try this so you can tell me if you got a higher or lower score then me.

I hoped you enjoyed reading my blog post today, if you have any positive comment or feedback please leave it in the comments. 
