
Wednesday, November 28, 2018

Summer learning journey Practice: The Voice.


Hey everyone, and welcome to my summer learning journey post where I tell you more about my imagineary trip to Austrila.

Today we had to reveiw a TV show that from the country we ae researching.
Image result for the voice
The show is called "the voice"

Link to the show: (click here)

we had to rate the show with "*"
I rate the show **** stars

I hope you enjoyed watching the show and reading my post.
If you have any feedback please leave it in the comments.

Wednesday, November 21, 2018

Technology design

Technology design

W.A.L.T: Design and recreate a food package that will reduce waste.

Hey bloggers today I am going to be telling you about the plastic waste/poloution and problems its causing that is going around.
Image result for stop plastic pollution poster
The problem is: many companys make food packageing out of plastic. All this plastic is ending up in the sea and around other places in the world and joining in wth other rubish and making the mess get bigger. Ths is causing our sea animals to die, get sick and be hurt.

Here is a google drawing on my design

Heres a few questions!!
1. Do you know any other materieals I could make my design out of to help save the plastic pollution?

2. What plastic items do you get in your lunch box that you could change?

I hope you learnt something of my post if you have any feedback for my design please leave it in the comments.

Thursday, November 15, 2018

The strange ice cream truck...

Hey bloggers today I am going to be showing you some of my hotspot writing.
hope you enjoy reading!!

~The strange ice-cream truck~

I was walking down the street in the pretty autumn leavs and saw an ice cream truck, I thought in my head
Hmm maby I should get an ice cream job soon or later
So in another week I had claimd a job. That job was to be an Ice cream delivery truck. But a few weeks later something strange started to happen. The lights were flickering the roof started shattering.

2 days later I had quit my job and got a new job, that job was Pizza delivery. The car I got given was verry, verry messy, it had cob-webs on it and big spiders, oh!!, and the chairs were moldy, it was all gross.
The boss said to me,
“So do you want to keep the job?”
And so I said
“Umm no thanks I would probaly uh, umm.. uhh, BYEE?!!”

I got really nervous

I hope you enjoyed reading my hotspot witing. Bye!!

Wednesday, November 7, 2018

Market day

Market day!!!

 Hi, today I am going to tell you about our market day we did on
the 27th of september.

So on the 27th all of the yr 6 students had to meet in the school library after morning tea eating.
When we met in the library the teachers gave us our money that we handed in then went over to the High School.
The High school had made things to dell such as,
Slime, obleck, ice-cream, cake. cakepops, fortnight game in 3 different rooms, sherbert, lollie pops, apple bobbing and alot more fun things.

Here is a video of our market day.

I hope you enjoyed watching and reading my post.



Hi readers,
today I am going to tell you about the Chior performance with the School Chior.
On Tuesday the 10th of Septemer
for our chior performance we went to the horn castle arena for a practice then went back to school then at 6:00pm we went for our proper performance.
Here are a few clips of our fun time.

I hope you enjoyed watching and reading.

Friday, November 2, 2018

Maths numberline stratergy.

 Numberline stratergy.

W.A.L.T: Use a numbernine to help solve questions.

Hey bloggers,
Today I am going to show you how to work out stratergy's by using a numberlne stratergy on my google drawing.
Here is my drawing on how to solve it.

I hope you enjoyed and learnt something of this about the numberline.
If you have any feedback please leave it in the comments.