
Thursday, August 9, 2018

The scariest night of my life

Hi bloggers today I will be sharing my hot spot doc writing with you, hotspot doc is a document we made, then we make random stories here is mine.

The scariest night of my life

3:00 AM…

One stormy night, I was in bed, I didnt set an alam for 3:00
AM but my
alarm came on BUT...
something strage happend to my backround, my backround was
IT the
clown somehow it
was fadeing from backround to
backround to backround. That wasnt the only strange thing. When I
got into my phone
I had a load of gohst detector apps.
I tryed one out and it
said there was one next to me where the phone was not only
My draws started to
open and shut and clothes were getting thrown
around and my closet was opening and closing aswell…

12:00 AM

Everything was normal and that moment had never happend again.

I hope you enjoyed my post if you have any feedback please leave it
in the comments, bye!!

Thursday, August 2, 2018

The three little pigs mystery!!

The three little pigs mystery!!

For the last few days we have been learning about the Wolfs side of the Three little pigs and the pigs side of the story of the three little pigs. we were also learning about the protagonist and the antagonist. the protagonist is a main character of the story and the antagonist is the villain wich means that the villain is against the protagonist.

For this we had to make a copy of a google drawing that our teacher put up on the site. Then we had to fill all the questions that was on the google drawing, once we had finished that we had to post it on our blog.

Here is mine!!

I hope you like my post if you have any feedback please leave it in the comments.