
Friday, June 22, 2018

My comic

My comic

Hey bloggers for the last few week's I have been working on a comic book for readng. The way I created this is I got an ipad and a school journal and I had to retell it by creating a comic. Here is my comic.
I hope you have enjoyed reading my comic. If you have feedback dont forget to leave it in the comments. Bye!!

Digital ignition

Digital Ignition

For the last 3 weeks we have been doing something called Digital Ignition. We got to control a little robot car by an I-Pad, the car is called the M-Bot. Digital Ignition is doing Binary numbers and more digital things.  An example of Binary is: if you want to spell a word or your name, like hey, I would count the letters and numbers of the alphabet and add them H-8 E-5 Y-25). 
Here is a photo of my group working together on it.

I hope you enjoyed doing Digital Ignition because we got to play with an m bop and and ipad. If you have feedback please leave it in the comments bye.

Friday, June 8, 2018

Winter sport!

Winter Sport!!

This term we have started winter sports again
"woop woop"
There are three teams Diamonds, Saphiah's and Rubys
I am in the rubys, on the first week we played against Wigrim school. At the end our Netball coach said we lost by 2,
here is a photo of out teams.

 I hope you liked my post, if you have feedback leave it in the comments. Bye.

Thursday, June 7, 2018

Restaurant satistics votes.

Restaurant satistics votes.

This term we have been looking at satistics. Before we
 created our graphs we looked at other graphs to analyse the data. We got given information to put into a graph. Then we got to make our own graph. After we wrote our questions we asked people in our class what they liked the most. Then we put the peoples votes onto the graph. Here is what I found out.