
Friday, November 24, 2017

The toothed whale

Image result for toothed whales
Hi today I’m going to be telling you about whales. I’m going to tell you what the toothed whale eats and where it lives. There are all kinds of different whales. Did you know that?

Where they live
Toothed whales live in the Atlantic ocean and Pacific ocean

Types of whales
There are killer whales, baleen whales, toothed whales, blue whales and many more.

What they eat
Toothed whales eat fish, squid, crabs, starfish, and other ocean creatures.

How many teeth?
Some whales have 250 teeth and humans have 32 teeth.

How long do they live for
Toothed whales can live up to 50, 60 and 70 years old or younger.

What makes them different?
The thing that makes them different is their colours what they eat and sometimes where they live.

Did you know that toothed whales are mammals?


I’ve told you that whales have 250 teeth, they can live up to 70 years old and they eat fish, squid, crabs and starfish.

I hope that you have learnt something new about whales.