
Friday, October 27, 2017

End of Canterbury swm school

Today is the last day of swimming at Canterbury swim school lessons. Today im not going to go swimming, neither is hope, lhysette and joshua but the rest of my class is.  They are going to learn how to do saftey in the deep pool and diving of the diving board but with clothes on. In the past days I was there I learnt how to do dolphin dive, free style and back stroke. I want to try to get better at the back stroke when I can start to do swimming again, when I started to do it, it got eaiser and easier, here is me doing some free style.

Friday, October 20, 2017

Canterbury Swim School

This term we are starting to do swiming lessons at Canterbery Swim School. We are going to be doing it for 2 weeks, My groups instroucter got us to learn how to do back strokes, freestyle and Dolphin Dive here Is me doing back stroke swimming.