
Friday, August 18, 2017

Somaila a story of pirates

This week we have been writing about somaila, somila is a place where pirates live here is mine.


At 06:51 me and the rest of my pirate gang  saw a big ship in the distance.  All we have is a kayak and thats not what pirates use, they use humongous ships.  So we kayaked super speedy fast, like the flash, to the ship we saw in the distance. We went in I stole the captions hat and asked him to hand over his key to me .
“NO” he said.
I asked again and he said
“Ok ok”
So he handed me the key, I put it in the key hole and I drove the ship,
mean while the other pirates were getting beat up by fuirous  robots and told them to surrender.  Then a huge robot came into the ship and tapped me on the shoulder, then he stole the hat and the key and gave it back to the real caption.

                                                 The End

Wednesday, August 16, 2017

Sir Edmund Hillary timeline

W.A.L.T: to do a timeline of Sir Edmund Hillary.

This term my reading group has been woking on Sir Edmund Hillary. for this we had to do a timeline, here is mine.

Monday, August 14, 2017

Fiordland moose drawing

     For topic Ako ngatahi have been doing a wanted poster we got to pick from animals to do like the. Fiordland Moose, Moa, The lost City of Alantas, Big foot, Roswell UFO, Bermuda Triangle, The Power of the pyramids, Crop circles, Stone henge, Easter island and the Loch nest monster 

NZ music month Lorde

This term we have been working on NZ music month I have done Lorde also as you can see at the end there is info about how long she has been performing and more hope you enjoy.